ATI Catalyst™ - официальная версия драйверов для видеокарт серии RADEON™. Full версия содержит Control Center.
The Catalyst™ Software Suite 10.10 contains the following: # Radeon™ display driver 8.78 # HydraVision™ for both Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 # Southbridge/IXP Driver # Catalyst™ Control Center Version 8.78
Caution: The Catalyst™ software driver and the Catalyst™ Control Center can be downloaded independently of each other. However, for maximum stability and performance AMD recommends that both components be updated from the same Catalyst™ release
Caution: The Catalyst™ Control Center requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework SP1 be installed. Without .NET SP1 installed, the Catalyst™ Control Center will not launch properly and the user will see an error message.
The latest version of the Catalyst™ software suite is designed to support the following Microsoft Windows platforms: